
Youth Programs

WondWed Our Youth program consists of a variety of programs that range from 1st grade through young adults (College and Career).

Wonderful Wednesdays

The Wonderful Wednesday program of Maranatha Baptist Church is an extension of our children’s discipleship program. It meets weekly throughout the summer on Wednesdays from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. in the place of Masters Club. The evening is divided into three emphasis. First, an emphasis is put upon prayer. Based upon 1 Timothy 2:1, Prayer requests are taken each week and time is given to pray for each child’s need(s). Children are encouraged to participate by taking turns to pray for the requests. Secondly, time is taken for recreation. The young people have the opportunity to participate in various planned recreational activities with their peers. If possible, elements of the lessons are used during this time to reinforce what the children are learning. And lastly is our lesson time. Every year a theme is chosen and emphasized, and is supported by the weekly lessons.

Rides are available if you call the church office at (989) 773-3690

Wonderful Wednesdays meet regularly May through September (Grades 1-6).

Master Clubs

Master Clubs is our Wednesday evening children’s discipleship program for Grades 1 through 6. This program is designed to produce long-term spiritual fruit in the lives of the clubbers. Each meeting includes lesson time, book time and game time.

Lesson time focuses on how biblical principles can be lived out on a daily basis – even in the lives of children.

During Book time, the Master Clubs curriculum starts by introducing and explaining the gospel to each child with a starter booklet through which the clubber is guided by an adult worker. Once the child has completed the starter booklet, he advances to his Master Clubs book. As the clubber works through his book, he learns the books of the Bible, answers questions about Scripture passages he has read and completes ministry and service assignments to earn badges.

Game time is designed to reinforce concepts the clubbers are learning during book time within a fun and energetic environment.

Through the Master Clubs program, children are encouraged, trained and given opportunities to serve the LORD even at a young age.

Master Clubs meet regularly October through April.

Youth Group

The Maranatha Baptist Church youth group is composed of teenagers in grades 7-12. We have a mixture of public school, Christian school, homeschool youth.

Teenagers may come to all services, but meet together for Sunday morning Sunday school, Wednesday night youth group, as well as special activities once a month. Activities include progressive dinners, pizza parties, scavenger hunts, murder mystery dinner parties, as well as other exciting events.

Our goal as a youth group is to understand the Word of God correctly and apply it to the challenges of teenage life, as well as minister to the needs of others. We desire that every teenager have a real and growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Join us as we strive to follow the example of Christ in our daily lives.

Bible Quiz Team

Teens also are given an opportunity to be a part of a local Bible Quiz League. Not only does this help teens to build friendships and learn teamwork skills, it also provides time for young people to study and memorize God’s Word. Quiz meets are monthly, each at a different church and runs October thru May.

College and Career

Young adults are encouraged to cooperate with their peers for the purpose of spiritual growth and Christian fellowship. Participants will be encouraged to seek and equip themselves for God’s will for their lives during this critical time of decision making.

Seasoned Saints (55+)

Every fourth Thursday at noon, a meal and time of fellowship are scheduled for our seniors. A devotional is brought by Pastor or a scheduled guest speaker. Individuals are encouraged to participate in a variety of projects and activities that support various ministries. For more information contact Janitha Bardos.


Sunday School

SundSchl Sunday School provides individuals with an atmosphere where they can grow in their knowledge of God’s Word along with their peers. Fully graded classes (K-12) will equip children with a firm foundation on which to build. Elementary, Jr. High, and High School classes use the Joyful Life curriculum. This curriculum provides students with a Bible-based foundation and help for daily living.

A college and career class and three adults classes provide opportunity for continued growth for all ages.

Family Vacation Bible School

Annually, MBC hosts an exciting week of VBS. The entire family is invited to an event filled week that is built around a chosen theme to enhance further spiritual growth and provide them with an opportunity to invite their friends. Singing, group Bible lessons, Bible memory verses, and daily challenges are geared toward building a solid foundation in the individuals life. Team competitions, games, and skits are also prepared to help add to the atmosphere as well as provide an opportunity to learn teamwork.

Special Meetings

Banq Annually, MBC hosts a week of evangelistic meetings to give everyone an opportunity to invite their lost friends, family, neighbors and co-workers for an opportunity to hear the gospel.

Other services are conducted which provide spiritual encouragement to the believer. Meetings may include special missionaries, evangelists, Ensembles (from Bible Colleges), and more.

Special Events

The church also has many other events and gatherings to uplift and provide fellowship. Other events may include: Independence Day Potluck, Sunday School Picnic, Various Banquets, Camp-Outs (Fall), Fall Church Hayride, and more.